After one skipped review (I was out of town), I caught the latest Mad Men last night and was pleasantly surprised by the relatively downright happy subject matter. I rate it 1 razor blade out of 5 (tm).
There was fabulous dancing (Pete can cut a rug -- who knew?), smoking of a different kind at the office, and spectacular dialogue between Don and the guy he met* at Sterling's shindig.
Not to say everything was hunky dory for most characters. This is Mad Men after all. I was petrified that Don and Betty's daughter was going to frame Carla, the African American housekeeper, for stealing $5; Joan's dinner party, and her forced song performance, was distressing (her creepy fiancee makes every scene uncomfortable); and Sterling's much-younger wife clearly has issues. But all in all, this felt like a welcome change from the usual downbeat fare.
*edited to add: apparently this was a reference to Conrad Hilton. Yes, of "the" Hiltons.