Thursday, November 29, 2012

Upcoming Author-y Events

Here goes!

1) This Saturday, December 1st - I'll be handing out Bruised postcards (with invites to my book launch) at the 6th Annual Santa Clarita Arts & Literacy Festival. If you live in the area, please stop by and say hi. I'd love to see you! BONUS: Laurisa White Reyes (Rock of Ivanore) will be doing a reading and signing.

2) January 26-27, 2013, I'm doing two book signings at ALA Midwinter in Seattle with fellow Amulet author Cat Winters (In the Shadow of Blackbirds). Exact dates and times to come. BONUS: Tom Angleberger (The Strange Case of Origami Yoda) will be at ALA, too!


  1. I soooo wish I could come! An author-y event with you AND Laurisa will be awesome. Hopefully you'll share pictures :)

  2. I'm so bummed I missed it. Hmmm, maybe a road trip to Seattle. Just sayin'.
